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شركة جلوبال اورثوبيديك كلينيك شركة مصرية لإدارة و إنشاء المستشفيات
الوكيل لشركة جلوبال اورثوبيديك الألمانية (ميراتيك)
تأسست الشركة عام 2008
النشاط : انشاء و تجهيز و تطوير و إدارة المستشفيات و المراكز الطبية
Latest Clinic News:
Our Services:
1.shoulder surgery
2.elbow surgery
3.hand surgery
4.spine surgery
5.sports medicine
1. EGSSA Weimar on subacromial decompression on Feb.5, 2021 , 7pm
Inquiry :
2. A Vollyball player who had a complicated surgery on her shoulder though us won the best player in africa.
3. Athlets who won africa championship after doing shoulder surgery by the GOC team are in Handball, Volleyball, Waterpolo, tennis, table tennis, weight lifter, Ragby, water baleh dance, gymnastic, bodybuildin, cross fit, Taekwondo, swimming, fencing, boxing , javelin and discus throwing, football, basketball, pole-vault, parachute, water jumb and rowing.

For any inquiries
Call Us : +2 01285211663
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